News CT

Rise of populism and terrorism addressed at the CDI meeting in Lisbon

Lisbon, 15 of April 2016. The Centrist Democrat International (CDI) held today its executive committee in Lisbon. The meeting was chaired by the former President of Colombia Andrés Pastrana and the CDI Secretary General Antonio López-Istúriz. The discussions focused on the challenges the world is currently facing. “Now more than ever, the CDI is an […]

Terrorist attack in Belgium

Once more we witness the senseless violence perpetrated by Daesh’s Islamic terrorists and killers, who unleashed a tragedy in Brussels, the EU capital, on 22 March. These attacks are directed at all Europe’s citizens, our values, and democracy. All the IDC-CDI’s member parties share the pain of the families and victims, and wish to transmit […]

Ulisses Correia win the elections in Cape Verde

On Sunday the 20th legislative elections were held in Cape Verde. Our party, MpD, Movimiento para la Democracia, won an absolute majority, with 39 seats in a 72-member Parliament. It was an unprecedented victory, with victories in every district but one. Party President Ulisses Correia, currently the mayor of the capital, Praia, and the President […]

Support and solidarity with the french people – IDC

PRESS COMUNIQUE The Centrist Democrat International (CDI-IDC) strongly condemns the recent attacks perpetrated in Paris on Friday, 13 November 2015, in which 132 innocent citizens were assassinated in cold blood by several terrorist bands linked to the Islamic State. We are all Paris! We express our solidarity and our support to the victims of this […]

Energetic condemns te attack in the city of Beirut

PRESS RELEASE In the wake of the suicide attacks perpetrated  on 12 November 2015 in Beirut, in which 41 innocent citizens lost their lives, the Centrist Democrat International (CDI-IDC) strongly condemns this vile action undertaken by Daesh. We express our solidarity with the victims and their families and hope for the speedy recovery of the […]

Solidarity with the Cuban dissidents prevented form participating in the Papal visit

The Christian Democrat Organization of America (ODCA) expresses its solidarity with Cuba’s dissidents, members of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL), who were prevented by the Cuban government from freely participating in the religious activities scheduled as part of Pope Francis’s visit to Cuba. The ODCA regrets the Cuban regime’s employment of a range of repressive […]

Visit of representatives and party members from Latin America to the European Parliament

17 June 2015 “During his visit to Brussels, Belgium seat of the European Parliament Deputy Jose Ramos, Secretary General of the Popular Party of Panama with Wilfredo Cerrato Deputies of the National Party of Honduras and Mario Venegas of the Christian Democratic Party of Chile participated in a meeting with Antonio Lopez-Istúriz, Secretary General of […]