Ireland: The IDC welcomes the Fine Gael on his historic victory

Ireland: The IDC welcomes the Fine Gael on his historic victory, which opens a new stage to overcome the economic crisis Brussels, February 27 The Executive Secretary of the Centrist Democrat International (CDI), Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, today congratulated the member party Fine Gael (FG), and its leader, Enda Kenny, for his “historic victory” in the general […]
The executive secretary of the IDC, Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, meets with president of the Dominican Republic

The Executive Secretary of the IDC, Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, meets with President of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernández Holy Sunday, February 23 The Executive Secretary of the Democratic International (CDI), Antonio Lopez-Isturiz, met with the President of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandez. During the meeting discussed the political situation and its relations with the European Union […]