I do not know whether my generation will see a real political union of the EU. I do not know whether we will see the end of the social imbalances which are produced in part by globalization. I do not know whether I or my generation will see the end of the fatal attraction of a part of our societies to the totalitarian regimes which are a product of our insecurities caused by this globalization. What I do know is that I and my generation will see the end of the dictatorship and the arrival of freedom and democracy for our Cuban brothers.
This is my wish, which is absolutely compatible with any action developed to better the peaceful transition in the island towards democracy. I think this task, which is being developed by our Vice-president Mogherini and by many European diplomats, is worth following.
This dialogue and cooperation which they want to develop, as well as any action in line with this goal, should facilitate the democratic future of the Cuban society. I respect that, I hope for that and I support that.
Yes, I look to the European left, the democratic left, and I tell you: do not attach anything more — no more bricks to the Cuban Berlin Wall.