The IDC-CDI deeply regrets the death of the former president of Salvador, Armandocalderón

The IDC-CDI deeply regrets the death of the former President of Salvador, ArmandoCalderón Sol and wishes to convey to his wife and family, our solidarity in these difficult moments.We also want to express our condolences to the Salvadoran people and send a message of support to the entire UPLA political family.
IDC-CDI is in solidarity with the families of the deceased

IDC-CDI is in solidarity with the families of the deceased, the wounded, as well as those affected, and with all the people of Mexico who have suffered the devastating and destructive earthquake on September 18.
Draft emergency resolution tabled by the EPP Presidency to the EPP Political Assembly

Copenhagen, 4-5 september 2017 As the political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela continues to worsen, the European People’s Party strongly declares its support for the country’s democratic institutions, its solidarity with the suffering Venezuelan people and their democratically elected representatives and its 8 insistence on a return to constitutional order and governance. The recently […]
IDC-CDI shares the pain of and supports all the victims of yesterday’s terrorist attack in Barcelona

IDC-CDI shares the pain of and supports all the victims of yesterday’s terrorist attack (17 August 2017) in Barcelona, which resulted in a significant number of deaths and injuries, some of them serious. We extend our condolences to their friends and families, and condemn this act on behalf of our member parties around the world. […]
Statement of the recent attack against the Alkhanli village in Azerbaijan

The Centrist Democrat International (CDI) wants to express its sadness over the death of two Azerbaijani civilians on an attack taken last 04.07.2017 against the Alkhanli village in the Fuzuli province of Azerbaijan. In line with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and the U.S. State Department, we condemn the ceasefire breach agreed between Armenia and […]
The IDC-CDI vigorously condemns the attacks carried out yesterday by mobs of fanatical followers of the government of Nicolás Maduro against the Legislative National Assembly

The IDC-CDI vigorously condemns the attacks carried out yesterday by mobs of fanatical followers of the government of Nicolás Maduro against the Legislative National Assembly, the last bastion and symbol of Venezuelan Democracy, which is ailing in the face of violence assaults unleashed against it by the dictatorship’s henchmen. As a voice for democratic parties […]
Letter of the expresidents Andrés Pastrana and Tuto Quiroga, to the presidents Juan Manuel Santos and Evo Morales

Juan Manuel Santos President of the Republic of Colombia Evo Morales Ayma President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia RE: The Venezuelan crisis merits an urgent summit of presidents Dear Presidents: We address all of you presidents with the greatest respect, despite the enormous differences we both have with your respective governments. We do so because, […]
López-Istúriz calls on the European Parliament to condemn the latest attacks on Venezuelan Deputies

Today PP MEP, Secretary-General of the European People’s Party (PPE) and IDC-CDI Executive Secretary Antonio López-Istúriz called on the European Parliament to condemn “the bloody events” transpiring in the last few hours in the Venezuela’s National Assembly. López-Istúriz spoke at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where he decried that deputies of […]
Speech by the IDC-CDI secretary general at the plenary session of the European Parliament on the EU-Cuba Agreement

I do not know whether my generation will see a real political union of the EU. I do not know whether we will see the end of the social imbalances which are produced in part by globalization. I do not know whether I or my generation will see the end of the fatal attraction of […]
ODCA condemns the Cuban government’s action to undermine the Democratic Action Unity Roundtable (MUAD) meeting

This week the Cuban government has taken a series of actions to prevent a trip to Mexico by 21 political dissidents and to undermine the Fourth Meeting of the Democratic Action Unity Roundtable (MUAD). In response to these authoritarian measures, the Christian Democrat Organization of America (ODCA) states: 1. We condemn the arbitrary detention and […]