We welcome the news of the liberation of Mr. CISSE, President of our sister party UDR in Mali [FR]

L’Internationale des démocrates Du Centre, (IDC-CDI) que préside M. Andres Pastrana, Ancien Chef de l’Etat colombien, se félicite de la libération de M Soumaïla CISSE, Président de l’Union pour la République et la Démocratie (UDR), Député de Niafunke. Ancien candidat aux élections présidentielles au Mali,M Soumaïla CISSE est une personnalité politique nationale, membre de l’IDC-CDI. […]
Letter of support to Mr. Alassane Ouattara for the elections in Ivory Coast on October, 31st 2020. (ES)

L’IDC-IDC (International Démocrate Centriste), soutien avec satisfaction que Monsieur Alassane OUATTARA Président du RHDP (Rassemblement des Houphouetistes pour la Démocratie et la Paix) a été investi comme candidat à l’élection présidentielle ; Considérant que le Président Alassane OUATTARA a été élu en 2010 puis réélu en 2015, comme Président de la République, fait l’unanimité tant […]
Joint Statement on the Situation in Belarus: Respect the vote of the people, stop police violence and guarantee freedom of speech and assembly

The International Democrat Union IDU, the Centrist Democrat International IDC-CDI, the European People’s Party EPP and the European Conservatives and Reformists Party ECR are very concerned about latest developments in Belarus and the conduct of the August 9th, 2020 presidential election, which was not free and fair. The world has witnessed a bold electoral fraud […]
A lost war in Colombia? Article of Mr. Andrés Pastrana, President of CDI [ES]

Un grupo de expresidentes latinoamericanos se ha puesto en la tarea de analizar el tema del narcotráfico, este terrible flagelo que azota sin piedad y sin término a nuestros pueblos. Y han llegado a una conclusión desesperanzadora y sin horizontes: la guerra contra el narcotráfico «es una guerra perdida». La consecuencia de esta conclusión parece […]
Statement by Indonesia’s National Awakening Party

in response to remarks by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey regarding the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque JAKARTA, Indonesia: On 21 July 2020, Indonesia’s largest Islamic political party issued an appeal to Muslims and people of good will of every faith and nation, to prevent the weaponization of religion for political purposes. […]
The future of democracy in a post-covid world

We are happy to announce that our president, Andrés Pastrana Arango will be moderating a webinar with Pablo Casado, president of Partido Popular and Luis Almagro, Secretary General of OAS on “The future of democracy in a post-covid world”. Join us this Monday at 16:30 (CET) on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/94885671611. We will also be live on Facebook.

CDI observes with great concern that, despite the fact that Venice Commission has underscored that the proposal for constitutional amendments in Armenia is not in line with its recommendations, the ruling majority of the Armenian Parliament has pushed it forward in an unprecedented expedite manner. Such approach puts under serious question the legitimacy of these […]
Armenia: Health or democracy crisis? [EN]

The new coronavirus is an important test for democracies in all over the world. The pandemic has revealed the truth about the Armenian government as well. As of May 22, Armenia has reported 5928 infected cases of coronavirus and 74 deaths. According to the Worldometer website, Armenia is the record holder in the region in […]
IDC-CDI ask for a global and solidary answer to the COVID19 pandemic

Brussels, May 20, 2020. The Executive Committee of the Central Democratic International (IDC-CDI) has today called for a joint, determined and solidary solution to face the current health emergency as well as the unprecedented economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic of the coronavirus. During the Executive Committee held by videoconference, with representatives from […]
Declaration for Nicaragua (ES)

The IDC-CDI echoes the violent institutional campaign that violates the constitutional rights of the Nicaraguan citizens. We support for the recent sanctions of the EU, USA, Canada and the United Kingdom to 6 high officials. We call, once again, that the constitutional rights must be returned to Nicaraguans, reiterating their urgency regarding the situation that […]