News CT

The Centrist Democrat International (CDI) expresses its sorror for the passing away of mr. Hilarión Cardozo Esteva

The Centrist Democrat International (CDI) expresses its sorrow for the passing away of Mr. HILARIÓN CARDOZO ESTEVA (1927 – 2012), former president of Venezuela’s COPEI party and prominent public man of his country. The CDI wishes to highlight that Mr. HILARIÓN CARDOZO, besides serving his country in important public responsibilities, assumed also an international responsibility […]

Statement by Union Chrétienne Démocrate Libanaise (FR)

Beyrouth, le 13 avril 2020     Mr. Andres PASTRANA President IDC-CDI   Mr. Antonio LOPEZ-ISTURIZ Secretary General IDC-CDI     Messieurs,   Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous portez aux pays affectés par le coronavirus. Il s’agit certes, comme vous l’avez signalé, d’une grave pandémie de Covid -19, qui touche tous les pays […]