Acción National got a historic success in mexican elections

Acción National got a historic success in mexican elections

Last June the 5th, local elections were held in Mexico, in which Acción Nacional (PAN) got a historic triumph due the win in seven out of twelve state governments and important cities.  In its history, the political party just had won three governments in a race, but on Sunday broke its own record and will govern eleven states, which represents a third of the total population.

With these results, PAN repeated to govern Puebla, retakes two states that has governed in the past: Aguascalientes and Chihuahua, and achieves alternation in Durango, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and Quintana Roo where the party ruler had governed during more than eighty years.

With the victory in seven out of twelve governorship and having the power in a third of the country, PAN is back in order to contest Mexican Presidential Election and to retake Presidency in 2018.
