The IDC-CDI announces its total support of Juan Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela

Brussels, 24 January 2019 – In light of the latest developments in Venezuela, the Centrist Democrat International (IDCCDI) hereby announces its total support of Juan Guaidó as President of the Republic of Venezuela, and calls on all democratic governments and the European Union to back the formation of a transitional government …
Communication from Centrist Democratic International (IDC-CDI) on the event currently taking place in Venezuela

Communication from Centrist Democratic International (IDC-CDI) on the event currently taking place in Venezuela CENTRIST DEMOCRAT INTERNATIONAL, in view of the events transpiring in Venezuela, and honouring its duty, as set forth in its bylaws, to defend freedom, democracy and human rights around the world, hereby expresses its absolute support for representative JUAN GUAIDÓ, who, […]